
  • Dec 15: Prijsuitreiking Cultuurverdienste, VTC Jabbeke 20u, piano solo, meer info
  • Feb 4: Piano Moods - Chambres d'O, 15 pm and 17 pm, Tom Kristiaan & Mart Demeyer (guitar, violin), 8€, SOLD OUT,  more info
  • March 2: Candle Night, Fabriek Botaniek Kruisem 20 pm, live music with wild life photography, candle light, drinks & bites, 40€-69€, SOLD OUT, more info
  • March 30: Bezoekerscentrum Bulskampveld Beernem, 10u, a varied mix of piano and accordion with traverso and sax
  • April 27: Uprising Stage, cc Het Bolwerk Vilvoorde, 19.30-20 pm PART 1 - 22.00-22.30 pm PART 2, Piano & Photography - Inspired by Nature, live music with wild life photography, free entrance, more info
  • April 28: Piano & Photography, 't Vaartje Lissewege 17 pm, live music with wild life photography, 18€ incl drink/snack, more info
  • Mei 16: Piano & Photography, Sint-Ursmaruskerk Nokere, private concert
  • Mei 21: Piano & Photography, kapel Ryelandtzaal Brugge, private concert
  • Sept 20: Concert 150 jaar Sint-Pieters, Sint-Pieterskerk Brugge, 20 pm, muziek op natuurfotografie en foto's van Sint-Pieters
  • Oct 6: Academische opening VVA, orgelzaal conservatorium Brugge
  • Nov 10: CD voorstelling MOODS, Ryelandtzaal Brugge, 10u30
  • Dec 8: Lowlands Photo Festival, cc Bornem, Piano & Photography - Inspired by Nature, live music with large screen photo projection

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Book a concert

Looking for a cosy evening? An aperitif concert or a unique experience for an event? Tom Kristiaan offers different kind of concerts, all touching and most compelling.


Piano & Photography 

Inspired by nature

I bring my new album "Inspired by Nature", where I composed music on the amazing photography of nature and wildlifephotographer Wouter Pattyn. You get a breathtaking concert of 60-90 min live music with large screen image projection of the most beautiful nature images from Europe.


Concert @ home


You have a piano at home and want a special evening with friends or family? Or a concert with aperitif on a sunday morning? I care for the music. You invite the guests. 

Piano & Painting


Concert where the album "Petites Danses et Rêveries" is presented live in combination with art. Artist Wannes De Vogel made a painting for each composition of the album and presents them together with the music. Includes improvised music and live painting. A perfect blend of visual and auditive art.